By Kim Wall, Marketing Consultant, ABC NH/VT

In today's digital world, most job hunts start with a Google search. Candidates search for open positions and what appears at the top of the results page is determined using their location and Google's search algorithms.

If you want to lead potential candidates to your website, there are a few things you can do to push your page to the top of the search results.

Fresh Content

Who doesn't like a website with fresh, recently updated information? Google sure does. Google's search results are more likely to show websites that appear to be active and up-to-date with new, fresh content posted regularly.

Keep your website fresh by updating content at least 2-3 times per month. This can be via blog articles and updating the company's career webpage with open positions. Need some inspiration? Take a look at these ABC member companies:

ReArch Company keeps their news updated by sharing projects, new hires and holiday parties. 
The H.L. Turner Group also keeps their news fresh with articles announcing new hires and awards.
Skilled Trade Partners has lots of articles relevant to their audience - employers and job seekers. 
Methuen Construction also does a great job keeping fresh content on their site and keeping their careers page updated.

Careers Page

If your website doesn't have a career page but you're actively recruiting, you should consider adding one. A careers page is what job seekers will likely be looking for when they conduct their search. The keywords they enter into a google search might be something like "careers in carpentry" or "construction jobs near me". Google's search algorithm will look for fresh websites with these, or similar, terms on the website's pages.  

It's also a good idea to conduct your own search for open positions to get an idea of what job seekers are seeing on their end of the search. 

Google Ads / Google PPC (Pay Per Click)

You might consider trying paid Google Ads to create an ad campaign for your open positions. The ads will be shown to people who enter search terms that match your ad keywords. Google Ads perform better if the keywords in your ads can also be found on the webpage your ad lands on. 

This process can be challenging if you're unfamiliar with paid advertising. It's not impossible though! There are so many YouTube videos and articles out there for beginners who want to give Google Adwords a try.

With the stiff competition for talent, particularly in the construction field, it may be time to try something new.

Want to learn more? Here is an article that offers additional insight.