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Thank you to all the golfers and sponsors who turned out on the most beautiful day of the season for this year’s golf tournament. We welcomed 146 golfers and 12 generous sponsors. A fun day was had by all!
1st Place: 56 (-15)
Kenny Craig Cross Insurance Joe Frechette Pro Con Brian MacLaughlin Cross Insurance Josh St. Croix Cross Insurance
2nd Place: 58 (-13)
Bob Casey BMC Mechanical Bob Carrigg Carrigg Commercial Builders Jeff Lavoie All Ways Accessible, Inc. Kevin Walsh Resource Options Inc.
3rd Place: 60 (-11)
David Beliveau Palmer & Sicard Derek Ham Palmer & Sicard Mark Hodsdon Palmer & Sicard Skip Lynch Palmer & Sicard
Closest to the Pin: John Staffier, Tradesource, Inc.
Longest Drive (ladies): Linda Provost, NorthBranch
Longest Drive (men): John Watkins, The Rowley Agency
Longest Putt: Dennis Francouer, RPF Environmental
Putting Contest (ladies): Linda Provost, NorthBranch
Putting Contest (men): Chris Cail, United Rentals Inc.
50/50 Raffle: Lisa Lemieux, Noonan Brothers Painting
Featured Sponsor: EnviroVantage, Inc.
Beverage Cart: Granite Financial Partners
Breakfast: Alpine Environmental, Inc.
Closest to the Pin: Palmer and Sicard, Inc.
Longest Drive: Novel Iron Works, Inc.
Longest Putt: B&B Drywall, Inc.
Lunch at the Grill: Merrimack Building Supply, Inc.
Post T Beverage: Carrigg Commercial Builders, LLC
Putting Contest: Interstate Electrical Services Corp.
Snacks on the Cart: Peniel Environmental Solutions, Inc.
Tee Box #18: Interstate Electrical Services Corp.
Trophy Sponsor: Denron Plumbing & HVAC, LLC
Vegas Hole: J. Lawrence Hall Co., Inc.