A Message from ABC NH/VT President Josh Reap

In the interest of the safety of our members, ABC NH/VT chapter staff have been closely following the information provided by our local government agencies and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). It is our goal to ensure that your health and safety is our top priority, and we wish to inform you that we are taking the following proactive measures to help limit exposure risk:

Event/Class/Meeting Postponements:
Beginning March 17, 2020 all education and safety training courses, networking events and committee meetings will be suspended through the month of April in an effort to limit exposure risks. 

The only exception is our Construction Law Series, which will be held using ZOOM remote learning technology. All participants will be contacted with instructions. 

In order to continue providing value and relevant information related to the COVID-19 outbreak, our April 1 event “COVID-19: Mitigating the Risk of Material Price Escalation” will now be a webinar free for members. Login details are forthcoming. Please feel free to contact jennifer@abcnhvt.org in the meantime with questions. 

We will continue to monitor the situation and notify you of scheduling updates. Please feel free to reach out to josh@abcnhvt.org with questions.

Helpful Information for You and Your Company Locations: 
Please consider reviewing the CDC's recommendations including:

  • Encourage employees to stay home if they are sick, except to get medical care. Learn what to do if you are sick.
  • Encourage proper hand washing and healthy hygiene.
  • Wear a facemask if you are sick.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Limit face-to-face meetings. Leverage videoconferencing when possible.
  • Print, post and share information about prevention tips throughout your facility.
  • Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. Click here for disinfectant guidance from the CDC.

ABC NH/VT Headquarters & Staff: 
ABC NH/VT chapter staff have been taking, and will continue to take, increased cleaning and sanitizing steps at our Concord headquarters using approved disinfectant products. While we always strive to maintain a clean facility, our efforts have increased with additional precautions for the safety of our members, visitors and staff. 

At this time, the chapter office will maintain normal business hours, and all staff are available to continue providing you with services and assistance. As always, you are also welcome to connect with our staff via their emails or via the Chapter phone: (603) 226-4789.

Additional Resources: