Failure Mode and Effective Analysis

No one wants a failure of any kind on a construction site. Failures hurt people, destroy materials, damage equipment and can negatively impact the reputation of a contractor.  Also, most of the Construction Industry standards require that a "competent person" be involved in the identification of hazards.  The competent person must be capable of identifying “existing and predictable” hazards in the surroundings (project) or work site. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a powerful tool that can be used in your Hazard or possible Failure identification efforts and assist in accident reduction, meeting time requirements, helping the project come under budget while complying with applicable standards. 

FMEA Course Topics Include:

  • Defining the Failure Mode and understanding the use of FMEA
  • A structured approach to analyzing possible failure points
  • When to conduct a FMEA
  • Forms to use in conducting the FMEA 
  • Uses of FMEA
  • The procedure
  • Determining severity and frequency possibilities
  • Rating and ranking of failure modes – Risk Priority Number (RPN)
  • FMEA practice scenarios 

Who Should Attend?

  • Project engineers – design, structural, electrical, civil, etc.
  • Architects
  • Superintendents
  • Forman and Leads
  • All safety personnel: directors, managers, officers, specialists, etc.


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